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Mountain Cliff Hiker

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  • Heather Larson

Willing to Be Interrupted

Sometimes in my busyness it is difficult to take time to slow down and notice when someone around me needs me. It may be one of my kids, a friend, or even my husband. At times, my “to do” list seems to be calling me and I don’t want to slow down and take the time to ask why someone is looking down let alone take the time to really listen. I don’t want to interrupt my day or flow of activity to check-in when it may require me to stop what I’m doing. The “do-er” in me doesn’t want to be interrupted by the idea of just “be-ing” with someone. If you’re a fellow do-er, this may be a good reminder for you, too.

This week I’ve been taking a closer look at the life of Joseph and saw something that I had never seen before. When Joseph was in prison, God was with him and the Bible tells us that he was given a role of responsibility in prison. I’m not sure what his job was, but in the midst of it, I see that Joseph had eyes to see others in need and that he was able to stop what he was doing and take time to be present with those who needed him. He was willing to be interrupted.

When Joseph came to them (the cupbearer and baker) the next morning, he saw that they were dejected. So he asked Pharaoh’s officials… “why are your faces so sad today.” Genesis 40:6-7

I’m not sure what your mornings look like at your house, but most mornings here are quite a whirlwind. Everyone is busy hustling around trying to get dressed, brushed, prepared and packed. If someone is looking sad, it may be easy for me to not even see it! If I do see it, I may dismiss it quickly, rationalizing that I just have too much to get done to get us all out the door. If I do stop and take the time to check in, I may not have time to really listen and get my list finished.

Really? I’m not proud of this. I know that God put me here for relationships — relationship with him and with my family and others. It’s embarrassing to think of the times that I am too busy to even see the needs of those around me. I miss the sad look on my child’s face or miss the lonely person standing quietly, hoping someone will say hello at Bible study. What if I took time to slow down, look around, and really see those around me. What if I took time to check-in, to ask how they’re feeling and then really listen?

I’m challenging myself this week to slow down, look around and be ready to be interrupted. My goal is to “be” more and “do” less. What about you?

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